Consultation Working Group
Welcome to the Resources Page of the Consultation Working Group.
The Consultation Group will collaborate with the other Working Groups, identify the need and create the content for questionnaires and other material used to engage the community. Community Groups, Business Groups, Landowners, Environmental and Heritage groups and the general public will be identified and consulted with. There will also be the need to work closely with Facilitators to ensure all age groups are included in the consultation process.
The aim of the Facilitator is to represent specific age groups to ensure their views have been effectively canvassed and input made towards the consultation process. Facilitators will also ensure feedback to the age group they represent confirming that their views and suggestions have been registered. Facilitators will work closely with Working Groups and the Consultancy Group.
Membership of the Working Group:
Cllr Dick Jenkinson (Chairman), Sue Jones, George Hering.
Consultation Reports- Public Consultation 00 - The Christmas Market.
- Public Consultation 01 - Public Open Day NP Launch .
- Public Consultation 02 - NP Stall at Monthly Markets .
- Public Consultation 03 - Presentation to Suffolk Pensioners Club.
- Public Consultation 04 - Wickham Market Gardening Club.
- Public Consultation 05 - Wickham Market Movies.